Psychological Workload, Subjective Fatigue, Covid-19Abstract
The increase in the number of COVID-19 patients causes changes in work patterns and additional workloads that come from the environment, difficulties in carrying out activities such as eating, worshiping because the complete PPE that must be worn results in the psychological condition of nurses which ultimately results in work fatigue felt by nurses. those who handle COVID-19 patients, including nurses at Polewali Mandar Hospital. This study aims to analyze the effect of psychological workload on subjective fatigue of COVID-19 patient nurses at Polewali Mandar District Hospital. This research is a quantitative research with a cross sectional study approach which data will be collected through interviews. The sample in this study was a nurse for COVID-19 patients at the Polewali Mandar District Hospital by systematic random sampling, totaling 45 people. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and comparative analysis to identify the influence of the two variables. The results of the study analyzed the effect of psychological workload on the subjective fatigue of COVID-19 nurses with a p value = 0.020 (α < 0.05). It was concluded that there was an influence between psychological workload on the subjective fatigue of COVID-19 nurses.
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